Weird Al Wiki

These are the visuals that occur during the music video for the song Bob.

Visuals Lyrics
Camera zooms out to show Al as Bob Dylan holding up a card that says "Bob" on it and two other men standing to the far left of him {Music}
Holds up another card saying "I MAN AM REGAL A GERMAN AM I" I man am regal, a German am I
Holds up another card saying "NEVER ODD OR EVEN" Never odd or even
Holds up another card saying "IF I HAD A HI-FI" If I had a Hi-Fi
Holds up another card saying "MADAM, I'M ADAM" Madam, I'm Adam
Holds up another card saying "Too HoT To HOOT" Too hot to hoot
Holds up another card saying "NO LEMONS NO MELON" No lemons, no melon
Holds up another card saying "TOO BAD I HIT A BOOT" Too bad I hit a boot
Holds up another card saying "LISA BONET ATE NO BASIL" Lisa Bonet ate no basil
Holds up another card saying "WARSAW WAS RAW" Warsaw was raw
Holds up another card saying "WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW" Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Holds up another card saying "RISE TO VOTE SIR" Rise to vote sir
Holds up another card saying "DO GEESE SEE GOD?" Do geese see God?
Holds up another card saying "DO NINE MEN INTERPRET NINE MEN I NOD" "Do nine men interpret?" Nine men i nod.
Holds up another card: "RATS LIVE ON NO EVIL STAR" "Rats live on no evil star"
Another card: "WON'T LOVERS REVOLT NOW?" "Won't lovers revolt now?"
Another card: "RACE FAST SAFE CAR" "Race fast safe car"
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